How to Hack your Reality for Success!

hack reality

We all want shortcuts to life, especially a shortcut to success.

We have all heard of the Law of Attraction by now. It has been featured in popular books, on Oprah’s OWN Network, and on thousands of youtube channels. The Law of Attraction is as old as time itself and many people still don’t know how to utilize it in their daily life.

hack reality

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that deals with thought, energy, and intention. It comes from the occult text of Hermetics. It basically tells you that you create the life you live and everything that happens to you–good or bad. This is not blaming victims for crimes done to them or tragedies, it is speaking of where we are in life. For example, if you have a job that you hate or you don’t have enough money to live the life that you dream, then you created that situation from the decisions that you made or your fears holding you back.

Fear Blocks Positive Things from Happening

Fear is one of the major reasons that many of us do not live the life that we deserve. When we think negatively about what we don’t want to happen we create that reality. The old folks used to say, “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.” Meaning that once we finish dealing with a bad or stressful situation that another occurs, but the fact that we have this thought pattern is the reason why it continues to happen.

The Universe Responds your Thoughts–Good or Bad

Whatever kind of thought that you put out into the universe it will manifest. If you think negative thoughts about things not being possible or you can only do limited things, the universe will receive that ping and respond to it. The universe is only energy waves manifested. The energy that you put back will come back to you. Like the elders say, “You reap what you sow.” The seeds that you plant are the seeds that will grow.

Woman with Positive Thoughts

How do we Hack the Universe in our Favor?

Now that you know that you control and create everything in your life, I bet you are wondering how you can hack the system to get what you want?


Belief is the single most important thing that will help you hack your life for the better.

If you believe, you can achieve.

Old Saying

The Laws of Attraction teaches us that we not only need to believe, but we have to be organized, as well. If it is not organized it will be chaos. Chaos can produce beautiful things at times, but for the best result, we need to have a clear picture of what we want.

Here are some things that you can do to create an organized vision of what you want the universe to give you:

  1. Create a Vision Board – I first heard of vision boards years ago on the Oprah show. (Yes, I’m that old! LOL) It is basically a corkboard with cut-outs of things that you want to happen, like winning the lottery, going on vacation, getting a new car, getting married to the person of your dreams, or finding the cure for cancer. It’s whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be major either. You can wish for a new outfit. Vision Boards are like the genie in the bottle that grants your wishes.
  2. Surround yourself with items that remind you of what you want to attract – Here’s a cool story: My mother used to always dream of having a BMW, but she thought that she would never be able to afford it while raising two children. She bought a mini model of her dream car and sat it on her desk at work. A few years later, she bought the same exact car down to the color of the seats! She envisioned herself driving it and worked until she was able to get it.
  3. Meditation – You don’t have to do anything physical to hack your reality for what you want. Meditation is a great way to visualize what you want to attract. Take time out in the mornings or at night to think of what you want to manifest. Try to have only positive thoughts. You don’t have to sit Indian-style with yoga pants and a messy bun. You can take a few minutes laying in bed before you go to sleep to meditate on things that you want to happen.
  4. DayDream – Thinking about the things that you want to manifest throughout the day is a simple way to use the Law of Attraction.
  5. Scripting – Write it down! You can write a wish list or a story about you achieving your goals. If you want a new job, write yourself having the job title that you desire. You can write a pay raise in their too. Wink, wink.
  6. Take action – Stuff doesn’t just fall out of the sky, chile. You have to push to get the ball rolling. Vision, plus action is necessary! Just like how my mother had the car model and worked towards a goal that she thought was impossible, we all must do it.

Final Thoughts

Success can be had by hacking your reality. It is not a thing of science fiction. You can read or watch the biography of any famous or successful person and see the same formula. The person wanted to be a famous singer. They visualized it by singing in front of dolls or stuffed animals. The person worked on their craft and found the right people to help them in their respective industries. Then they achieved their goal.

The universe responds to those that ask.

Tasha Xi

We are energy in a physical form. The ancients knew, and now we must relearn the old ways to bring balance to our lives and the wellbeing of the planet.